wake-up call and affirmation

I got a call yesterday, 28 OCT, from my mom's doctor. Without getting into her personal details on a public forum, she didn't have a heart attack, but it was close. She's still in the hospital and, God willing, will be out tomorrow.

My mom was never an active woman, but always busy. As a life-long registered nurse, she was big into nutrition and healthy living when we were kids. We seldom had sodas or sugary snacks, and she'd boot us out the door if we were lounging in front of the TV or Atari 400 for too long.

It saddens me to see that, while her lessons have stuck with me, she's fallen away from doing what she knows. She is a strong, educated, and open-minded woman, and I hope this is all it takes for her to start leading a healthier life. I pray my family and I get to spend many more decades with her.

The affirmation is for me; that my wife and I are devoting time where it is warranted, and leaving a legacy with the kids that will carry into their adulthood and parenthood. Outdoor activities are large part of our day-to-day lives. BMX practice on Thursday; race day on Sunday; hiking, fishing or just goofing off at various TX state parks; playing catch or climbing trees.

I LOVE that my wife and I do all these things with the kids. And I love cooking meals for them. About a month ago we decided not to buy any more processed snacks to leave around the house for them. The general rule of thumb we're following for the kids: the longer the shelf-life, the more unhealthy it is. This is good for me too because I can't dip into their cheese & cracker packages at 11:00 PM! :)

All that said, I just had a great workout, which I'll post separately / normally.

God bless and keep you, Momma.


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