19 OCT: push / legs

Great 1st full-effort workout. As usual, my shoulders are the first to get deconditioned.
  1. walking lunges: 30lb dumbbells x 10 yards
  2. low-narrow stance leg press: 270 x 15, 15
  3. front squat: 135 x 12; 165 x 10; 185 x 8, 8
  4. standing calves raise: 155 x 17, 17, 15
  5. bench press: 135 x 5; 155 x 5; 185 x 5, 5, 5
  6. dumbbell overhead press: 40s x 10, 7; 35s x 7; 30s x 8

I'm not pleased with my weights, but I am satisfied that I was able to maintain a brisk pace and keep my rest intervals to just what was needed to get the weights setup.

Training at Metroflex is a unique experience. it is 100% dedicated to bodybuilding, so I DEFINITELY looked a little out of place as I went through my CF-style warm-up. I was without a doubt the smallest guy there today! :-)


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