10/15: Metroflex test drive

I joined metroflex gym. The garage is in need of some Spring cleaning in October. I'm going to build new shelves and storage bins and see how that goes. until then, I'll be training at Metroflex in Pflugerville. it's a nice bare-bones gym with nothing but weights and machines. And a 100lb heavy bag. No AC. No frill. Bay doors open to get plenty of this gorgeous fall sunshine.

Day 1: I noticed some sinus bleeding (from the surgery) the day after I did squats on Thursday, so went light on Friday.
  1. bench press: 135x5; 185x5; 165x5, 5, 5
  2. machine overhead press*: some form of resistance by 10, 12, 9, 8, 6
  3. machine lateral raises*: some form of resistance x 12, 12, 10, 6
  4. Standing calves raise: 255 x 10; 195 x 15, 15, 15, 10

*Machines: I have no earthly idea how anyone can say what weight they were using on some of these machines. there is so much friction on some, and others glide effortlessly. Sometimes the lever arm has weight, and other machines have counter-balancers. it's all so arbitrary. Since I was just goofing around to feel out the gym, I didn't really concern myself with determining weights. Just going off of feel this week.


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