16 OCT: Metroflex day 2

Much better day today. My sinus surgery felt much better, and no bleeding post-Friday workout!!! So I went for closer to a real effort today.
  1. Deadlift: 225x5; 275x5; 295 x 5, 5, 5
  2. Single leg hamstring curls: 70 x 10, 10, 9, 9 per leg
  3. Standing calves*: 135 x 20, 15
  4. Hammer strength supported row: 180 x 12; 220 x 10, 10, 9; 200 x 10; 180 x 10, 8

I ran out of time because I'm taking the family off to the park for some bike riding, sakteboarding, and tennis. Else, I would have hammered wide grip pulldowns for a while.


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