23 OCT: Pushing

Another day at Metroflex. Defiant Crossfit is right across the street, and they were having a free workout. I wished so badly that I were able to start crossfit training again. Maybe 3 more weeks.

My workout was solid. Again, just meat and potatoes. I'm really liking this rolling 4 day training week.
  1. Bulgarian squats: 25s x 10, 10 each leg
  2. Front squats: 155 x 11; 175 x 10; 185 x 8, 5, 5
  3. Standing calves: 175 x 20, 17; 155 x 13; DONE
  4. bench press: 155 x 5; 185 x 5; 190 x 5, 5, 5
  5. dumbbell shoulder press: 35s x 10; 40s x 8, 5; 25s x 13


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