30 OCT: pulling a day early

My wife and I got in a workout before the kids' pre-Halloween party started. So we trained in the garage, and after we were exhausted from cleaning, running errands, cooking, and all the little things that go along with prepping for a kid-party.

Suprisingly, I hit an all-time high on my deadlift workout.
  1. jump rope: 4 minute warm-up
  2. deadlift: 275 x 5; 295 x 5; 345 x 5, 5, 5
  3. wide-grip pullup: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
  4. medium-grip pullup: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

I tried to do some chinups, but my elbow tendons were shot, so that was it. But holy crap!!! 345 for sets of 5 on deadlift is still astounding me!!!!


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