IOMS anyone?
You have probably heard of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) but I think I just invented IOMS (instant onset muscle soreness).
After the heavy workout on Sunday, I tore down the garden and had to level it to make way for the shed we are getting. I tilled it by hand with a pitch fork, then used the shovel and rake to level it out. Thankfully, my fiance was helping as she always does. It was very hot, so I kept hosing myself off to stay cool enough to continue working. Before I even finished, my whole body was getting sore and crampy.
As I was shovelling, a funny thought occured to me. There are so many flavors of crossfit. Standard Crossfit; Crossfit Endurance; Crossfit Football; CrossPit, etc. It struck me as odd and somewhat arbitrary. Why not Crossfit Farmer?
After the heavy workout on Sunday, I tore down the garden and had to level it to make way for the shed we are getting. I tilled it by hand with a pitch fork, then used the shovel and rake to level it out. Thankfully, my fiance was helping as she always does. It was very hot, so I kept hosing myself off to stay cool enough to continue working. Before I even finished, my whole body was getting sore and crampy.
As I was shovelling, a funny thought occured to me. There are so many flavors of crossfit. Standard Crossfit; Crossfit Endurance; Crossfit Football; CrossPit, etc. It struck me as odd and somewhat arbitrary. Why not Crossfit Farmer?
"Today's WOD: Till and relocate 5 cubic yards of dirt; no time limit"