6 AUG: Spitting blood

Now THIS was a solid workout! I'm not sure what i did, but somewhere during the second circuit, my nose started bleeding. I thought it was just runny till I saw the blood dripping on the garage floor. Hell yeah! And I didn't even have to get punched in the face for it.

My workout, as prescribed by me:
- 5 rounds for time of:
A) Burpees: 10
B) Swiss ball step off: 10
C) Dumbbell swing: 35 x 12
D) Ab wheel: 15

I stopped a little short, but was apparently still pushing hard. As performed:
- 4 rounds for time of:
A) Burpees: 10
B) Swiss ball step off: 10 (5 each leg)
C) Dumbbell swing: 35x 10
D) Ab wheel: 10

My time: 14:26

Burpees are still the hardest movement known to (this) man.


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