17 AUG: car pushuing

The plan was to do a whole series of sprints, but we got a late start, and the lights were off at the track. So we did a spontaneous workout that was quicker and harder.

1) Swiss ball step-off: 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 per leg
2) Swiss ball crunch: 11, 15, 20
3) Partner leg throws (an ab exercise): 15, 20, 20

4) Car pushing: 2 laps in the parking lot.
We used my fiance's Hyunadai. The 'lap' we followed was about 70-80 yard long by 15-25 yards wide. My estimate is that each lap was about 200 yards. I did this MUCH faster than last year. My whole body is much stronger making the pushing easier, and my conditioning is better so I was able to sustain a faster pace throughout.

My fiance was able to do two laps as well. She's a juggernaught! I've never met anyone who refuses to quit as decisively as her!!!


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