10 FEB: WOD+Plus

Today's CrossFit workout was:
Deadlift: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

I did:
5 mins on treadmill
Deadlift: 135 x 10; 225 x 5; 275 x 1; 285 x 1; 295 x 1; 305 x 1; 315 x 1; 325 x 1; 335 x 1; 345 x 1

Superset 1:
a) Kipping Pullups: 6, 6, 5
b) Woodchopper: 100 x 10each, 10each, 10each

a) Peck deck fly: 100 x 10; 110 x 10; 120 x 6
b) Peck Deck rear delt fly: 100 x 10; 110 x 10; 120 x 6


plieb said…
hey thats good work on the DL. much better than your total effort from last week.
MMAdrian said…
Yeah. My back was totally exhausted after squats last week. I've never tried to DL and Squat in the same session with any serious weight before.

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