05 FEB: My 1st WOD

The Workout of the Day ("WOD") called for 5 rounds for time of:
A) ~65lb Kettlebell swing: 25 reps / round
B) Glute-Ham situp (AKA roman chair): 25 reps / round
C) Back Extensions: 25 reps / round
D) Hanging knees to elbows: 25 reps / round

I scaled this back and added in some substitutions based on equipment limitations

A) 35 lb dumbbell swing
B) Leg raise off bench
C) Barbell goodmorning
D) Hanging kees to elbow

My performance per round was
A) 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 15
B) 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 15
C) 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 15
D) 15 / 15 / 10 / 10 / 10
total time: 22 minutes (using clock, not stopwatch)

  1. My spinal erectors are much more developed than my transverse abdominals. Knees to Elbows are KILLER.
  2. My conditioning (also called stamina) is better than most weight trainers. I should have stayed at 20 reps per round for the last 4 sets instead of reducing by 5 each set.
  3. I'm not sore at all! I can see that doing CF WODs will leave plenty "in the tank" for running or MMA on the same day, if I do my WOD in the morning.


plieb said…
looks like youre off to a good start!
plieb said…
i also think its good that you scaled the workout a bit. the fact that youre not sore is a good sign. sometimes new CFers start too fast and pay the price. next time you see this WOD you can do it as perscribed with all reps, back extensions, and a 55 lbs KB for swings.

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