24 FEB: My own WOD

I missed the 23 FEB WOD, so I made up my own, as 24 FEB was listed as a rest day on CrossFit.com

I went with Complexes. Complexes are like supersets, but you never let go of the bar. You move immedeately from one movement to the next to the next. Last night I did a back/traps/shoulders complex that had me gasping like I had emphysema AND asthma.

A) Bent row: 95 x 5, 7, 7, 5
B) Sumo grip high pull: 95 x 5, 7, 7, -
C) Hang clean: 95 x 5, 7, 7, -
D) Overhead press: 95 x 5, 7, 4, -

Not bad for being sick with a sinus infection!!!


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