Bodybuilding is boring

What is it about closing in on a goal that makes me want to changes goals JUST BEFORE I get where I want to be? I've been doing a heavy and consistent mass phase plan for 2.5 weeks now, and I only have 2 weeks to go. But as I am getting more and more bored of training for mass.

I want to have a solid frame before I jump into the more metabolically demanding workouts of CrossFit, because i know I tend to lean out as my frequency and intensity go up. So yes, I'm dropping pounds and looking bigger, but its getting hard to want to see this phase through to completion.

I guess I'll up the intensity and consistency of my Tuesday and Thursday workouts and see if that satisfies my need to train athletically. Bodybuilding is boring!!!

The sad part is, I'm not even doing sissy bodybuilding (isolation work, cable timewasters, split routines). I'm doing ass-busting full body routines with big complex movements three times a week. I'm using double progression (increase reps, then increase weight), and it just feels so mundane.

I guess it's the masochist in me. I miss the pain of truck pushing. I miss wanting to puke after 5 minutes of non-stop movement with heavy objects.

Soon enough........


plieb said…
don't be so hard on yourself. at least you're doing something. crossfit includes a lot of variation and i look forward to the straight lifting days. so you'll still get some of those. in terms of mass, im definitely getting thicker through the arms and shoulders just crossfitting. i think its the old pareto rule... 80 percent of your gains come from 20 percent of the exercises. so i just cut out the other 80 percent of the exercises.

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