27 JAN: skills and drills

It was cold as heck in the garage last night, so a prgressive build up was the only way i could get into the groove.

Warm-up: 6 rounds (2min, 30 sec rest)
Rnd 1) Double end bag: slipping practice
Rnd 2) Jumping jack, pushups, hindu squats, burpees
Rnd 3) Kicking for speed and technique (10L, 10R, etc.)
Rnd 4) Double end bag
Rnd 5) Kicking for speed and technique (10L, 10R, etc.)
Rnd 6) Double end bag

Workout: 6 rounds on the heavy bag (3min, 1min rest)
I focused on foot positioning, movement and fluidity. I had been emphasizing power at the expense of moving and quantity of strikes. Last night was good in that I didn't throw quite as hard, but threw many times more kick/punch combos than normal.

I can tell my head movement is getting better as a result of working the double-end bag. Also, I've started to work off the pivot quite a bit more, too. All in all, I feel like the rust is 100% gone and now I'm developing new skills.


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