19 MAR: Arms

My arms can't help but grow on this crazy Ian King routine! In just three of his workouts (over two weeks), my arms are bigger than they've ever been. I don't typically do direct arm work, so I'm sure my response is better than a normal weight training individual; i.e. someone who has done similar isolation work before.

1) Dumbbell forearm extension: 8s x 20; 15s x 20
2) Dumbbell forearm flexsion: 15s x 20; 30s x 17
3A) Skull crusher: 85 x 5; 75 x 10
3B) Close grip bench press: 135 x 10
3C) Dips to parallel: 6
4A) Incline dumbbell curls: 25s x 5, 10
4B) Seated supinating curl: 25s x 10
4C) Seated Zottman curl: 15s x 6
5) Seated French press: 55 x 21 (7 top, 7 full, 7 bottom half)
6) EZ Bar reverse curl: 65 x 21 (7 top, 7 full, 7 bottom half)
7) Hammer curl strip set: 30x8-25x4-15x10

Good grief this hurts!!!!


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