16 MAR: 2 butt kickings in 2 hrs

Since today was "arms day", I also did some hard core fight conditioning.

4:00 PM: Arms workout
1) Forearm curl: 45lb x 20; 75lb x 15
2) Forearm extension: 45 x 7, 7
3A) Concertration curl: 25 x 10
3B) EZ Bar Preacher curl: 75 x 8
3C) Single Arm zottman curl: 25 x 10
4A) Seated Dumbbell kickback: 15 x 10
4B) Cross-body lying extension: 30 x 10
4C) Single arm seated overhead extension: 20 x 10
5) Standing EZ bar curl: 65 x 21*
6) Incline close grip bench press**: 125 x 21*
7) Low pulley curl strip-set: 80x10-60x5-45x4

*21 reps: 7 in top half, 7 full range, 7 bottom half

** Incline close grip bench press: I don't like this angle. It hurts my shoulder so I'm going to find a substitute.

6:00 Conditioning workout:
4 rounds for time:
A) 20 pushups
B) 20 dumbbell swings x 35lbs
C) Hill sprint***
This KICKED MY BUTT!!!!!! On the 4th circuit of dumbbell lifts, I dropped the weight at rep 6. My arms could barely hold the weight, and with little to no control. Having slammed my arms an hour earlier, I was less than fully recovered by the time we started conditioning.

*** The hill is about 35-40 yards, at about 30-40 degree incline.


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