7 FEB: Follow the Ninja Leader

That's a game I made for me and my kids when they were tiny.  I'd climb all over the playscape of any park we were at, and hop from structure to structure and they'd try to follow.  I have always been age-appropriate with the little "stunts"; just enough to get my son and daughter to demonstrate a touch of agility and balance.

Today the student became the master.

My son is just about 10 now and was hopping from precipice to precipice, weaving himself through the monkey bars, and dancing across pipes 6 feet in the air like the gravity defying offspring of a  professional Parkour athlete and a billy goat!  Thrice I said "I'm not doing that".

But hey, time marches on and you take pride in seeing your kids excel even as your youth fades.  And truth be told, I can still do more playground stunts, and display more mobility ad agility than most guys my age, and nearly all men at my weight.


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