11 FEB: wk5-d2

I am rapidly hitting the wall on overhead press.  everything else is progressing nicely.  I'm glad next week is the last week of this phase.

  1. squat:  45x15; 95x15; 135x10; 175x12; 215x10; 235x8; 255x8
  2. Bulgarian squat: =10lb x 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
  3. overhead press:  95x12; 105x10; 115x8; 100x12; 110x0 (zero); 125x7
  4. lateral raises:  12.5s x 10,10,10,10
  5. V-grip pulldown:  100x12; 115x10; 130x8; 115x12; 130x10; 145x8
  6. behind neck pulldown:  100 x 10,10,10,10


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