9 DEC: vertical push/pull + deadlift

My workout was running long, so i ditched the ham isolation and unilateral work and just put everything I hand into my deadlift sets. All in all, a great workout. Strength and endurance continue to improve, and I see big differences in my size and body composition already.

The warm up was solid, too! I'm getting scary-close to being able to do front splits!
  1. V-grip pulldown: 170 x 5; 190 x 3; 200 x 3; 190 x 5; 200 x 4
  2. 1-arm undergrip pulldown: 125 x 5, 6, 6 per arm
  3. Wide grip behind neck pulldown: 120 x 12, 12, 12, 12
  4. Overhead press: 135 x 5; 145 x 3; 165 x 1; 155 x 2(FAIL on 3rd); 170 x FAIL
  5. 1-arm dumbbell push press: 65 x 6, 6; 70 x 6 per arm
  6. dumbbell shoulder press: 40s x 12; 45 x 8; 40s x 2 (wrist started hurting BAD!)
  7. deadlift: 225 x 12; 275 x 10; 295 x 8, 4


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