20 DEC: last time for Horizontal + quads

Last week of Phase 1, and I just finished Phase1-Day1 on a high note. Great numbers all around.
  1. Walking lunges: 45 x 6 per leg (just a warm-up)
  2. Front squat: 145 x 12; 165 x 10; 185 x 8, 8, 8
  3. Hatfield bar squat: 225 x 5, 5, 5
  4. Leg extension: 140 x 21s
  5. V-grip row: 180 x 5; 195 x 3; 210 x 1
  6. 1-arm dumbbell row: 60 x 6, 6, 12 per arm
  7. Hammer strength row (elbows high for trap emphasis): 180 x 12, 12, 12, 12
  8. Bench press: 205 x 5; 225 x 3; 245 x 1; 235 x 3; 265 x 1
  9. Dumbbell bench press: 70s x 12, 7, 8


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