7 DEC: part1 - arms

My wife and I are headed to the RunTex group later tonight, so I skipped abs and any form of conditioning. Just arms today.

  1. Single dumbbell skull crusher: 65 x 8; 75 x 8
  2. Barbell skull crusher (what I normally do): 105 x 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
  3. HammerStrength pressdown*: 180 x 12; 200 x 12; 230 x 12, 12
  4. Barbell curl: 95 x 3, 4, 4, 4; 105 x 3, 3, 3
  5. 1-arm preacher curl: 35 x 10, 10, 10
  6. Nautilus curl dropset: 100x3 - 90x3 - 80x4 - 70x4 - 60x4
  7. Nautilus curl: 60 x 13


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