16 DEC: Vertical push/pull + deadlift

This is the 2nd to vertical push/pull workout for Phase1. I changed the order and started with deadlift. It was both exhilirating, and probably pretty stupid. I had nothing in the tank after deadlifts, but I did the press movements and pulldown movements anyway. I got the shakes bad, and had to hold back that desire to throw up.
  1. deadlift: 225 x 12; 275 x 10; 315 x 10. I had nothing left for extra sets.
  2. 1-leg dumbbell deadlift: 30s x 10 each. I only gutted out 1 set. Thought I was going to cramp up and pass out after the deadlifts.
  3. Overhead press: 135 x 5; 145 x 3; 165 x 1; 150 x 3; 170 x 1
  4. 1-arm db push press: 70 xc 6, 6, 6 each. Felt awesome! Going for 80s next week to end with a bang!
  5. dumbbell overhead press: 45s x 12; 40s x 8, 10
  6. V-grip pulldown: 180 x 5; 190 x 3; 200 x 4; 190 x 6; 200 x 5
  7. wide grip behind neck pulldown: 130 x 12; 10, 10, 9

I am so DONE! Gonna take the night off and hit abs&arms on Friday. Saturday AM will probably be a 5K race.


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