6 DEC: horizontal + quads

Monday was day1 of week2. I feel so much stronger than week1!!! By leaps and bounds. My wife lifted with me, so maybe I dug deeper than I might have on my own. Maybe I was just well rested. Either way, I'm happy with the workout. It was appearently "Bench Press Night" at the gym. There must have been a dozen guys huddled around the two flat benchs. I had to move squats up earlier than planned, and hit chest last, but ti didn't matter. Funny to note that there were a dozen guys on the two benches, but my wife and I each had our own squat rack. :)

Warm-up: SOLID! Lots of push-ups, down dog, cobras, deep lunges, inchworms, and shoulder swings.
  1. V-grip row: 150 x 5; 165 x 3; 180 x 1, 3; 195 x 1
  2. 1-arm dumbbell row: 50 x 6, 6, 8 (each)
  3. HammerStrength row: 200 x 12, 12; 230 x 11, 10
  4. Bulgarian squat: BW x 12, 12
  5. Front squat: 135 x 12, 10; 155 x 8, 8, 8
  6. Leg extension: 130 x 21s
  7. Bench press: 185 x 5; 205 x 3; 225 x 1, 3; 245 x 1
  8. Dumbbell bench press: 60 x 12; 65 x 12, 11


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