Hybrid bodybuilding: Phase 1

I'll never follow a true bodybuilding body-part split routine. It's just not for me. I can see that I perform better when I train to be an athlete: whole body, movement based training and gut-spilling intensity.

The problem is that I want to be bigger, and LOOK more like a bodybuilder, while keeping all my functionality. So I am embarking on 6 weeks of hypertrophy training, but with a slight twist.

Normally, when someone is training with the usual bodybuilding "volume method", they hit a muscle group once a week or once every five days, and they may do a little cardio to keep from gaining excess body-fat.

I'm doing something different, but just as effective for gaining size. The upside is I'll also increase my athletic conditioning. Let me spell it out by day.

Phase 1
This phase prioritizes neural activation, followed by the normal bodybuilder volume approach. Going heavy first gets the nervous system fully engaged, and able to handle heavier load and activate more motor units during the normal sets. I'll also be doing speed work at the track once a week, and sport conditioning once a week.

Additionally, I'll have some higher intensity conditioning work, but not much. And I'll keep the endurance work low for this 3-week phase.

Monday: Horizontal push & pull + quad-dominant work
  1. v-grip row: 5, 3, 1, 3, 1
  2. unilateral horizontal pull: 3 x 6
  3. bilateral horizontal pull: 4 x 12
  4. bench press: 5, 3, 1, 3, 1
  5. unilateral horizontal push: 2 x 6
  6. bilateral horizontal push: 3 x 12
  7. Bulgarian squat (unilateral quad): 2 x 12
  8. Front squat (bilateral quad): 12, 10, 8, 8, 8
  9. Leg extension: 1 x 21s
  10. Leg press calves: 3 x 40-50

Tuesday AM: Abs and Arms: strength-focus

  1. Russian twist: 2 x 10-15
  2. Ab wheel: 2 x max
  3. Tricep / Bicep supersets:
    a. Skull crusher: 6 x 4
    b. Barbell curl: 6 x 4
  4. Tricep cable pushdown: 1 x 20
  5. Nautilus curl: 1 x 20

Tuesday PM: Speed work at track

This will vary. I'll make it to the RunTex run group as often as I can. Else, I'll do buildups and 100s, 400s, and occasionally 800s on my own

Wednesday: Off

Thursday: Vertical push & pull + ham-dominant work

  1. V-grip pulldown: 5, 3, 1, 3, 1
  2. Chin-up: 3 x 6
  3. wide-grip behind head pulldown: 4 x 12
  4. Barbell overhead press: 5, 3, 1, 3, 1
  5. Upright row: 2 x 6
  6. Dumbbell overhead press: 3 x 12-15
  7. Single leg curl: 2 x 6-10
  8. Single leg dumbbell deadlift: 2 x 6-10
  9. Deadlift: 12, 10, 8, 8, 8
Friday AM: Abs & Arms: unilateral volume focus
  1. Side bridge & reach: 2 x 10
  2. Leg raise off bench: 2 x max
  3. Unilateral tricep tri-set
    a. 1-arm cross-body extension: 1-2 x 10
    b. 1-arm overhead extension: 1-2 x 10
    c. 1-arm reverse grip pressdown: 1-2 x 10
  4. Cable overhead extension: 3 x 12
  5. Unilateral bicep tri-set
    a. 1-arm concentration curl: 1-2 x 10
    b. 1-arm preacher bench curl: 1-2 x 10
    c. 1-arm preacher bench hammer curl: 1-2 x 10
  6. Reverse grip EZ-bar curl: 3 x 12

Friday PM: 1 mile for time (at track) or 4 x 550meters (in neighborhood)

Saturday: Not sure what to call this, so Crazy Day works.
I put together a training group that meets about once a month. You've seen what we do there. If that isn't on the agenda on a given Saturday, then maybe I'll do one of the WODs from Defiant CrossFit or CrossFit.com. Or maybe it'll be a leg & lung smashing bike ride. Maybe some power work for Highland Games with intervals mixed in. Just whatever I want to do. 100% intensity. 100% effort.

I'm actually taking measurments and pictures this time around. Nothing like seeing the proof in quantitative and qualitative data.

I'll explain Phase 2 as it gets closer.


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