20 NOV: Warrior Dash

The race has come and gone. I did better than I expected in some respects, and worse in others. All in all, it was informative as a self-assessment and the most fun physical activity I've done all year!!!

  • The obstacles were easy.
  • I was much "bolder" than some of the others as far as hitting the obstacles at full speed.
  • I was much faster uphill than at any point in the past.


  • I TOTALLY underestimated the terrain. It wasn't so much the hills that got me; it was the uneven footing. One foot might fall 8 inches lower than the other at any given time.
  • My calves and shins gave out at about mile 2.
  • In general, my aerobic conditioning needs some work.

I made it in 35 and change. I could have cut about 30-40 seconds off, I but I had fun with the last two obstacles. I stepped over the fire logs as slowly as I could to see if they would burn any leg hair. Then I did a full on diving belly flop into the mud pit. I hit so hard that I went to the bottom, maybe 1.5 deep, and was momentarily completely submerged. I hope I get a picture of that!

I am doing this again at the first opportunity! It was so much fun and a chance to do things you just can't do in your day to day training.


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