3 NOV: abs and arms

My legs were sore from the run on Tuesday, so I didn't do any cardio on Wednesday. Just abs and arms.
  1. jump rope: 4 minutes to warm up. The gym is getting cold
  2. leg raise off bench: 15, 15
  3. russian twist: 15 x 10, 10, 10 (time to move up to 20lbs)
  4. 1-arm preacher curl: 25 x 8ea; 30 x 5, 5, 4ea
  5. Superset:
    A. Skull crusher: 95 x 5, 6, 6, 7, 1
    B. EZ-bar rvs curl: 75 x 6, 6, 7, 4
  6. Nautilus curl: 70 x 14; 80 x 10; 70 x 8

Hopefully I have enough in the tank for heavy deadlifting today, 4 NOV. That run workout really taxed me.


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