23 NOV: Abs & Arms: strength day

Well, just as you'd expect, all you get from a day like this is local soreness and fatigue in your arms. There is no metabolic conditioning, no gut-spilling systemic fatigue. Just biceps and triceps. Pffff. Well. I gotta do what I gotta do. Enough complaining. Here's what I did.
  1. Russian twist: 15lb x 10, 12
  2. Leg raise off bench: 20, 25 (I forgot the ab wheel at home)
  3. Bicep tricep superset:
    a. Skull crusher: 95 x 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
    b. Barbell curl: 95 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
  4. Tricep cable pushdown: 100 x 22
  5. Nautilus curl: 70 x 23
  6. Stepmill: 4 mins @ level 8 (legs still haven't recovered from all the running. WTF?)
  7. Treadmill: 8 mins @ 5mph

6 & 7 were just going to get some minor cardio in since I missed the RunTex group training. I wasn't able to leave work early enough to get there. I have to say, my legs could use the rest.

Wednesday will be some yoga before bed, but THAT'S IT!

In the future, If I can't get to RunTex on Tuesday, I'll just do a Defiant CF WOD.


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