22 NOV: Lift Day1

I am doing a simple 6 week program, that is comprised of 2 phases. Today is day1 of phase one. I am pressed for time right now, so I'll skip the details of the warm-up.

  1. V-grip row: 150 x 5; 165 x 3; 195 x 1; 180 x 3; 195 x 1
  2. Hammer strength row: 180 x 12, 12, 12, 10
  3. Bench press: 185 x 5; 205 x 3; 225 x 1
  4. Dumbbell bench press: 50s x 12, 12, 9
  5. skipped bulgarian squats because my legs are hammered from all the running
  6. skipped front squats because my legs are hammered from all the running
  7. Leg press calves: 230 x 40, 40, 35


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