4 NOV: pulling, but in a rush

I didn't have much time for lifting on e Thursday, so I skipped much of a warm-up and just got after it. And I had poor results to show for it. And once I started deadlifting, these two women, took up residence in the squat rack near me. If you can do squats and gossip DURING your set, you aren't training hard enough. And you are breaking my concentration

My workout:
  1. jump rope: 3 mins
  2. deadlift: 275 x 5; 315 x 5; 365 x 4, 4, 2
  3. lying single-leg curl: 50 x 10, 10, 6, 6+2negs each leg
  4. Hammer Strength supported row: 230 x 12, 10, 10; 180 x 9
  5. wide grip pulldown: 120 x 10, 10; 110 x 9, 8

My rest intervals for all but DLs were under a minute, as I had to rush home and get the kids ready for BMX. So I'm not too worried about the results of this workout.


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