7 NOV: Highland Games

Well, still no word on results yet, but I feel very good about how I did. This was a 9 hour event, starting at 9:00 AM and running till 6:00 PM. Now that I know better, I'll bring a cooler and lawn chair to the next event I compete in.

Events were:

  1. Braemar Stone: basically a standing shot put with a large rock

  2. Open Stone: more of a traditional shot put but with the same large rock

  3. Heavy weight for distance: for us novices, it was a 42lb weight connected to a chain and ring. I didn't do so hot on this event

  4. Light weight for distance: Novices used a 28lb weight and did the same throw. I kicked ass at this event!!!!

  5. Caber toss: That's the crowd favorite. Flip a big-ass log end over end.

  6. Weight over bar: Like high jump, but you are throwing a weight over your head. Novices used a 42lb weight. I only cleared 10'.

I hope to find out results today or some time this week.


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