30 JUN: Abridged WOD5

Cumulative fatigue is really setting in. My body was still drained from the conditioning workout on tuesday, especially the 30 reps of 63lb t-bell swings. I cut out most of the sets that were lower-back heavy.

  1. Clean: 135 x 5 (lower back fatigued)
  2. Incline bench press: 165 x 10, 10
  3. Dips: BW x 4
  4. Chin-ups: BW x 4, 3
  5. Skipped bent row
  6. Prone raise: 15s x 15
  7. Lateral raise: 15s x 12
  8. Skipped shrug
  9. Incline dumbbell curls: 20s x 12, 12, 10
  10. Squat: 205 x 12; 145 x 20

I know this is less work than planned, but the quality was great for the work I did. Tuesday's fight conditioning really taxed my pulling muscles (hams, lower back, traps, etc.).

I may go light on the conditioning work and just focus on technique during today's fight training.


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