28 JUL: Whole body burn-out

Since I skipped Tuesday's squat workout for a ride with my wife, I tried to crap that in along with my normally scheduled upper body workout. This of course, is after starting the day about 90 minutes earlier than normal and running 2 miles. I crapped out hard!!!! Suprisingly, I hit a new PR on squats, though!!

  1. Front squat: 155 x 10; 165 x 10; 185 x 10, 10
  2. Back squat: 185 x 20
  3. Pullup: BW x 5, 5
  4. Incline bench press: 185 x 8
  5. Incline dumbbell curls: 25s x 13, 10, 8
  6. skipped reverse curls because left elbow hurt.

I cut out all the fluff and just did the meat sets. Both front squats and back squats were new personal bests for that rep range. Incline bench was a personal best as well.


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