1 JUL: More fight training

I can't tell you how enthused I am too see us getting better. Chris B. has been coming since April and continues to get more fluidity and precision. His control is coming. My conditioning and flexibility are making progress as well, although I am currently prioritising strength and mass over sport specific conditioning.

I am very fatigued due to the 5 workouts last week and 4 thus far this week. But I did it and i worked hard. We finished this week with an emphasis on close-range fighting, and will do so next week as well.

Recap of this week:
Tue: Close range - punch blocks; elbows; clinch
Thu: Close range: kick blocks; knees; integrating elbows and knees

Preview of next week:
Tue: Close range - shoot/sweep defense; clinch; sweeps
Thu: Close range - Integrating elbows/knees, sweeps and close range defense tools

Today's workout:
  1. Warm-up drills: 4 x 2mins/30sec
    Simple slips to left and right. Offense fighter only throws straight punches. Defense fighter only uses head/toro slips; no catches or bob/weave
  2. Defense drill: 4 x 2mins/30sec
    Offense fighter throws rear round kicks. Defense fighter blocks with shin and off-balances with outward hip drive. Give equal practice to right lead and left lead stances.
  3. Heavy bag work: 10 x 2.5min/2.5min
    The round time was a bit different. I set it to 2min round and 30sec rest, but we opted to work the full 2min030 sec, so the other person could work a full 2min-30sec round. That way it became immedeate swap out on the heavy bag when the bell sounded.

    The emphasis today was simple slips prior to working to close-range for elbows, knees, and hooks. We wore wraps but no gloves to ensure we didn't get carried away on power and stayed focused on correctness of form and work rate.

    Of special importance was slipping in range and pivoting to an angle on your opponent (heavy bag). From there we focused on delivering elbows, hooks and knees to opponent's blind side.

This was a great workout. A perfect balance of skill improvement and effort.


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