24 JUL: Warrior Dash prep event 1

Man! This was so much fun!!! Five people showed up, including my wife and I. The workout was supposed to be simple, but it turned out to be more adventurous than we planned.

1. 1.5 mile run. Everyone pushed hard. I was 2nd to last, but I waited up for the guy at the back of the pack so he didn't miss any turns.

2. Kayaking. The plan was to Kayak from The Rowing Dock (west of MoPac bridge) to Longhorn Dam (on Pleasent Valley Drive). As we got to Congress bridge, one of our group, chris, had his kayak sink. There was a hole in the hull and he took on a significant amount of water. The best runner in our group, Frank, offered to run back and give his kayak up to Chris. So Chris swam ashore and Frank paddled the kayak to the shore as well. Frank hopped out and ran the 2 miles back to the Rowing Dock and Chris took Frank's kayak. I had the awesome job of towing the water-logged kayak 2 miles back to the Rowing Dock. Talk about a back workout!!!!!!

It was great though, because my wife took her kayak back to the rental place and explained what had happened. She got us all a refund, and passes for a free rental! So we got a great workout, for free, and ended up with a voucher for next time. :)


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