30 miles of rock and sand

My wife is trying to kill me. She flat out wants me dead. She is Italian after all.

She is getting ready for a 40 mile bike race in August, in Fredricksberg, TX. The weather should be hot, dry, cloudless, and about 105 by then.

To prep for the race, we took our mountain bikes to Lake Somerville state park and rode their 13 mile trail. This no crushed-gravel, hike-and-bike, text-while-you-ride wussy trail. It isn't exactly a vertical drop either, but the whole trail is river stone and sandy loam., B oth of those materials excel at sucking up your momentum and bringing you to a sudden halt. We were peddling the entire distance.

Now granted, 13 + 13 = 26, but when we finished the 13 mile trail, we road another 2 miles out to get to the lake / picnic area. Byt the time we hit mile 15 and a picnic table, I sprawled out on top and went to sleep.

So 2 miles of road to get b ack to the 13 mile trail equals 30 total miles. I am STILL SORE 3 days later.


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