26 JUL: another good day

I trained a client after work today before heading to the gym. I am teaching him how to fight. It's great to get in all the warm-ups and stretching with him before I head to the gym. I am closing in on front splits, but my side splits are still a ways off.

After training him, I went to the gym for an arm workout. I fully admit I train arms. I had avoided any direct arm work for many years because I thought training as a single coordinated unit using compound lifts was all I needed to stay balanced. In the last 2-3 years, there have been periods when I could do 15+ strict pullups or chinups and and easy 25+ dips, but my arms never matched my torso.

So today, I did an Ian King arm workout. Th. e volume is MUCH lower than I'm used to, but the drop-sets amd tri-sets made up for it.

  1. Bicep tri-set (all 3 movements for one arm before switching arms)
    a. Cross-body hammer curl: 20 x 10
    b. Concentration curl: 20 x 10
    c. Dumbbell preacher curl: 20 x 10

  2. Tricep tri-set (all 3 movements for one arm before switching arms)
    I went extra light with triceps as this really agravates my elbow.
    a. Tricep kickback: 15 x 10
    b. Cross-body lying extension: 15 x 10
    c. Overhead extension: 15 x 10

  3. EZ-bar curl: 65 x 21s (7 at top, 7 full range, 7 bottom half)

  4. Narrow stance pushups: 21s (too easy, but didn't aggravate my elbow)

  5. Nautilus drop-set curls: 70x10-50x10-40x10; 60x10-50x10-40x10; 60x10-50x10-40x10


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