11 FEB: Smashed

Today's WOD was by far the toughest I've done so far. So challenging in fact that I wasn't able to finish. As prescribed:

For measured time
1) 45 Double-under jump rope
2) 45 reps Squat Clean at 135 lbs
3) 45 Ring Dips
4) 45 Double-under jump rope

I can only do a few double-unders in a row before having to restart, so I did singles as fast as I can

My scaled workout:
1) Jump rope: 100
2) Squat Clean at 135 lbs: 22 reps
3) Parallel bar dips: 45
4) Jump rope: 100
total time: 23 minutes

I stopped at 22 reps on the squat clean because I failed on attempts 23 and 24. This movement completly crushed me!


plieb said…
ah at last you're feeling the crossfit love! its really fun when you get 2-3 like this in a row. thats why i discourage doing extra on the heavy lifting or cardio days. the metabolic conditioning workouts are designed to smash everyone into the ground. much respect to the athletes who can do unscaled workouts like these in sub 15 minute times!

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