2 JAN: low intensity intervals

I freaking love these! The intensity of the 30 second sprints is enough to get my heart rate way up, but the 2 minute walking is well more than enough to recover. I start each 30 second sprint fully recovered which is why I call these low intensity. With High Intensity Intervals, my heart rate never comes down to rested / recovered until a few minutes after the session. As a result, the quality of my sprints suffers.

Low intensity is the best option for me now. I feel how much faster I am getting, as a result of focusing on quality, and it is sufficiently intense that I see rapid improvements in my body composition (i.e. shrinking love handles).

Today I did 12 rounds of 2 minutes walk and 30 seconds sprint and came 100 - 200 yards or so shy of 2.5 mile marker. I'll hit a full 3 miles by end of the month. Once I accomplish that, I'll move on to a mix of steady-state cardio and High Intensity Intervals.


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