July 9th: Fight conditioning

Only one other guy showed up today. We did a warm up round on the bag. I won't even call it a heavy bag. because it is our work gym, its some lame-o bag that LOOKS like a heavy bag, but weighs about 20 lbs.

I had us doing tons of plyos, switching from upper to lower body.

We tried 100 hindu squats, but crashed at 50. We kept moving between plyometric pushups, tuck jumps, crossover pushups, toe touching jump, medicine balls passes and slams, then hindu pushups.

After about 30 minutes of unstructured but constant movement, we decided to spar for 2 rounds.

All in all a good workout.

Until I get a REAL heavy bag at our gym, I'll have a hard time doing these workouts during lunch: http://arlenescrosspit.blogspot.com/


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