29 July: 10 sets of 10

Today was my first "arm and shoulders" workout. I have to say, it is every bit as boring as I thought it would be.

1) Shrug-Pull-Snatch compound set.
This is awesome for developing explosiveness and leads to nice size gains in the traps and upper back. Do 4 shrugs, 4 High Pulls, then 4 Hang Snatches without rest. That comprises 1 set.

115 x 4 sets x 4-4-4 reps

2) Seated side raises: 15s x 4 x 10

3A) Zottman curls (MUCH harder than I thought) 20s x 10 x 10
3B) Dumbbell Skull Crushers: 20s x 10 x 10

The Zottman curls hurt. The weight was too light for my tricep work, but I want to achieve a bit more balance between my tricep and bicep strength, so I'm limiting myself to the same weight for each movement.


MMAdrian said…
n two days since I did my arm workout and my triceps are still swollen and hurt pretty acutely!!!

Its interesting that during the workout, my biceps gave out more than my triceps, but now the soreness is negligable in my biceps and severe in my triceps.

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