7 JAN: MMS-6

Hardest day so far.  I made some tweaks because the 1-arm overhead press is causing my shoulder pain.  I got a solid warm-up which included lots of foam rolling and dynamic stretches
  1. bench press:  215 x 2-3-5-5; 2-3-5; 2-3-5
  2. bat wing:  9 x 5sec hold at 55lbs
  3. combination to replace 1-arm overhead press:
    a. clean:  135 x 1-1-1; 1-1-1; 1-1-1
    b. overhead press:  135 x 2-3-5; 2-3-5; 2-3-5
    c. pullup:  BW x 2-3-5; 2-3-5; 2-3-3
  4. Complex: 95 x 5, 5, 5; 115 x 5, 5
    a. row
    b. clean
    c. front squat
  5. Squat:  95x10; 115x10; 135x5; 185x5; 225x5; 275x5; 135 x 50


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