21 JAN: Wk2-d1

Forgot my training log at home, so some of the weights were heavier than they should have been.

  1. stationary bike and stretching
  2. overhead press:  70x12; 80x10; 90x8; 80x12; 90x10; 100x8
  3. lateral raise:  5s x 10,10,10,10
  4. v-grip pulldown:  85x12; 100x10; 115x8; 100x12; 115x10; 130x7
  5. behind neck pulldown:  85 x 10,10,10,10
  6. sumo deadlift:  185x12; 205x10; 235x8; 285x8
  7. single leg hyperextension:  BW x 6/6, 6/6, 6/6


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