17 JAN: wk1-d3

I made a couple of changes to achieve the volume I'm after.  I simply can't get enough total reps in handstand pushups or neutral grip pullups right now.  So I've replaced them with barbell overhead press and neutral grip pulldown.  This is still break-in mode, so the weights were light again.

  1. warm-up:  5 mins treadmill at 3.4mph / 5 degree incline
  2. overhead press:  65x12; 75x10; 85x8; 70x12; 80x10; 90x8
  3. lateral raise:  5s (yes 5 lbs per arm.  so what?) x 10, 10, 10, 10
  4. neutral grip pulldown:  70x12; 85x10; 100x8; 85x12; 100x10; 115x15
  5. behind neck pulldown:  70 x 10, 10, 10, 10
  6. squat: 155x1`2; 175x10; 205x8; 215x8
  7. Bulgarian squat:  BW x 8/8, 9/9, 9/9


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