15 JAN: wk1 - d2

Second break-in workout.  I like using the lighter weights and just focusing on form, and contraction of the involved muscles.  Even though the wights were modest, the heart rate got up there by the end of the workout.

  1. warm-up:  5 mins treadmill at 3mph, 6 degrees; 5 mins stretching
  2. incline dumbbell press:  35x12; 40x10; 45x8; 37.5x12; 42.5x10; 47.5x8
  3. bench press:  155 x 10, 10 (didn't do 3rd set because shoulder was hurting
  4. t-bar row: 45x12; 55x10; 65x8; 50x12; 60x10; 70x8
  5. prone lateral raise: 8 x 10, 10, 10, 10
  6. sumo deadlift: 155x12; 175x10; 195x8; 205x8
  7. single leg hyper-extension: BW x 5/5, 5/5, 5/5


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