31 DEC: MMS-4 redo

I got off track with it being Christmas and New years, so i started at day 4 again.  I'm going to have to reduce the frequency just a bit, and increase my protein intake to recover well enough to make progress.

  1. 5 min warm-up on tread mill
  2. bench press:  215 x 2,3,5,2,3,5; 205 x 6
  3. bat wings:  45lbs per arm - 5 x 10 sec holds
  4. bird dog:  always easy
  5. Complex:  95 x 5 reps on everything:
    a. row
    b. clean
    c. overhead press
    d. front squat
    e. back squat
  6. Back squat:  95 x 30; 115 x 30; 135 x 30


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