Last week of messin' around

The 5K is this Saturday, 12 MAY.  That means this is my last week of goofing around in the weight room, and it also means I'll finally cut back the running volume just a touch.

I don't have my plan laid out yet, but I know I'll have to start out light on my two favorites - deadlift and squat.  Squat in particular builds pressure around the hernia repair site.  I'll also have to start with ab work straight out of the "Wuss" bucket before I get into ab training from the Bucket of Awesomeness.  No dragon flies, ab wheel, or other high tension exercises for a while yet.

I see this as a chance to build the type of hypertrophy I normally avoid.  Good old fashioned bodybuilding  - aka All Show, No Go.  Now, a training life lived here isn't for me, but a brief foray while I recover and build structural integrity is no problem.

I'll get my stats the day after the 5K to adequately measure progress in weight, circumferences, and bodyfat%.


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