25 MAY: Day 5, wk2

  1. deadlift: 205 x 8; 225 x 8, 8, 8
  2. bent row: 115 x 8, 8, 9, 8
  3. Barbell preacher curl: 65 x 8, 8, 8
  4. Bulgarian squat 30 (15s x 2) x 12 per leg - SLOW tempo
  5. Leg press calves: 320 x 30
  6. A. 1-arm Dumbbell press: 60 x 4/4, 4/4, 4/4
    B. Neutral grip pullup:    BW x 4, 4, 4
  7. Cross-body lying tricep extension:  25 x 14 per arm
Skipped abs again


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