5 DEC: Phase1 day 1

Aside from the Saturday workout, I haven't lifted since Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I went a little light just to keep things moving and build some momentum.

  1. Decline situps: 42 total reps in 2 minutes

  2. Corkscrew: 25lbs x 10/10, 10/10 (L/R)

  3. Alternating dumbbell curl: 30s x 30 reps in about 2 mins (heavier next time)

  4. Close grip bench press: 85lbs x 30 reps in less than a minute (heavier next time)

  5. Incline dumbbell curls: 30s x 25 reps in about 7 minutes

  6. Dips: Bodyweight x 25 reps in about 5 minutes

  7. Back squat: 155 x 10; 175 x 10; 185 x 10; 195 x 10; 205 x 10

  8. Leg press (5sec negative, explosive lift): 270 x 15, 15, 15

  9. Squat jumps: 50 total reps in about 8 minutes

I'll remember my watch next time and get real times.


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