26 DEC: Desissification begins

I heard that term yesterday and it stuck. I intend to fully desissify myself. Not that I'm much of a sissy to start with, but a man can always be more manly.

I had fallen into the bodybuilding trap. It didn't matter that I saw my weights moving forward. I started training at a bodybuilding gym, and over time I became more worried about physique development than strength and performance development.

Today's workout was a nice break-in. More or less whole body, with plenty of conditioning scheduled for Tuesday.

  1. jump rope: 4 rounds of 2min (1min rest)

  2. chin-up ladders: 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 (30 total)

  3. overhead press: 115 x 5; 125 x 5; 135 x 7

  4. snatch grip deadlift: 205 x 10, 10, 10

  5. incline dumbbell curls: 20s x 12, 12, 8

Nothing special. Just good honest work.


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