10 DEC: Skills training

I made a cool implement to practice Highland Games Weight For Distance and Weight Over bar. The implement is similar to my Ghetto-bell, but is much short, and is capped at the top with a coupling joint. The coupling serves to retain the weights. I drilled a hole through it which serves to prevent it from unscrewing and to connect a short length of chain. I attached a handle to the chain.
Right now it is only 33 lbs, which is heavier than the 28 Light WFD, but no where close to the 56lb used for Heavy WFD and WOB.

Since I am more concerned with technique, 33lbs is perfect.
I spend about 90 minutes working on both events. I was FINALLY clearing the 9'6" backstop with 33lbs. It was a first for me. The key difference is leg drive. I had been focused on hip drive, but after watching a few videos, I tried jumping as hard as possible into the WOB movement. This simple tweak helped me gain 2 feet vertically.


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